Should Books Be Banned?

I was googling some things, and I saw this recommended search: “why books should be banned.”  Curious, I clicked on the search button.  

Basically, the articles that came up said that books put poison in children’s minds that they can’t get out, and are bad for civilization.  Books that explore ideas such as racial prejudices, unpopular religious views, adult stuff.

Should we ban those books?

This is my opinion, and you’re welcome to disagree.
 1.  Books shouldn’t be banned because there is a thing called freedom.  

Authors have free speech, and readers have free choice.  For children, their parents should determine what they should and shouldn’t read, using their judgement.  For example, a 5 year old probably shouldn’t read To Kill a Mockingbird, but just because a five year old shouldn’t read it doesn’t mean that it’s automatically bad for all age groups.

Still using To Kill A Mockingbird, let’s see why that’s been a hot topic.  To Kill A Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee, in an attempt to show the destruction of innocence and the problems with racial prejudice.  If we look at why it was banned, it was for its racial and sexual themes.  (I’ll mention that it never goes into much detail.)  However, it is one of the most controversial books.  (Number four on the most banned and challenged classics list, according to the American Library Association.)

I believe that people should be able to read what they want. 

But what about book?  It’s really bad!  

2. If we ban bad books, we’ll soon be banning good books

What is there to stop someone from claiming that a good book is actually bad?  (Lord of the Rings was banned in some places for being “satanic.”)  As we’ve seen, this is starting to happen.  Many rulers in the past (and present) have burned books that they deem to be unacceptable.  (Hitler did.)  

Some of the titles that were on the most banned and challenged list according to the ALA?

  • The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding
  • 1984, by George Orwell
  • Animal Farm, also by George Orwell

I don’t know about you, but Animal Farm was a portrayal of the dangers of communism for me, not something that was poison for minds.

3.  If you want to take away books, you’ll have to censor movies, television, the radio, podcasts, magazines, music…

Books aren’t the only media out there.  Just like people should be able to choose what they watch, they should be able to choose what they read.  

Yes, there’s bad stuff out there.  I’m not saying to go out and read it.  I’m just saying, just because we don’t like something doesn’t mean we should ban it.  There are labels we can put on things (just like on music, video games, movies, and tv.)  

4.  Books Teach Us

I don’t know about you, but reading books teaches me great lessons such as: loyalty, forgiveness, love, selflessness, and courage.  To Kill a Mockingbird might have some bad things in it, but that doesn’t mean that those things were good!  To Kill a Mockingbird has a special place in my bookshelf for the lessons it has taught me, not for the racial prejudice (that is looked down upon in the book anyway.)


6 thoughts on “Should Books Be Banned?

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  1. I agree. Fahrenheit 451 is a scary book that illustrates what could potentially happen if books were banned. I like the quote: “There must be something in books, something we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.”
    ― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451


  2. This is scary for one reason: Has anyone else read Fahrenheit 451? That is what happened. People were destroyed over books. Their physical lives, their quality of life, and more. But secretly the happiest people in that world were the ones that smuggled books or had them in their brain. My favorite quote: Thousands on the roads, the abandoned railroad tracks, tonight, bums on the outside, libraries within.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Books, and stories, are more vital than ever before. They create empathy with people that you might never come into contact with. So many people live in an echo chamber, reading and watching news that reinforces their views etc, sometimes the only positive exposure to a different culture or race is through fiction. The best fiction makes you ask questions about how you live your own life. That’s my view, anyway 🙂



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